Requesting An Increase In Child Support Payments

Life is full of unexpected changes. When a financial situation changes or a family emergency occurs, many parents find that they need additional child support from their former partner. Under certain conditions, you can ask the court “modify” an existing child support obligation. Substantial Change in Circumstances Regardless of the reason, a modification of a…

Medical Support Orders For Children Of Divorced Parents

As every parent knows, children get sick and get sick often. Between daycare, school, and other activities, kids are exposed to a massive amount of germs every day. Add in accidents like falls from a bike and tragedies like childhood cancers, and it is easy to see how medical care and insurance premiums can quickly…

Taxes and Divorce: Are You An Innocent Spouse?

For many couples, one partner is in charge of the finances. For example, the husband may bring home the paycheck, but the wife may balance the checkbook and take care of household bills. This type of financial separation is also common when it comes to filing taxes each year. Often, a husband or wife will…