How is Child Support Calculated in Washington?

Child support is a monthly sum of money that one parent is ordered to pay the other parent for the care and support of a child. All parents have a legal duty to support their children. Child support is intended to help meet a child’s basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, child care, and medical…

I’ve Only Been Married for a Month. Can I Get My Marriage Annulled?

Washington does provide for the annulment or a “decree of invalidity” of marriages in certain cases. Most people want an annulment because they regret having married their spouses, or if they believe that the marriage was a sham. Annulment rare and involves asking the court to declare the marriage never legally happened. You may be…

Can I Take My Child Out of State Without Notifying My Ex?

Whether you can remove your child from the state of Washington without the others parent’s knowledge depends on the court ordered parenting plan. If your plan says you have to have permission or give notice to travel to another state, then you have to ask permission. If the parenting plan doesn’t say anything regarding travel…

What is COBRA and Why Should I Know About It?

During many marriages, it is not uncommon for one spouse to carry the family’s health insurance coverage through his or her employer. This is often the least expensive option for the family. However, if the spouses decide to divorce, you may no longer have access to continued health insurance coverage if your spouse traditionally has provided…

Do I Need a Restraining Order?

If you believe that you are in danger or another emergency situation, always call 911 first. However, if you are not in immediate danger, but you think you might need a restraining order with respect to a family member, you need to know the facts and the law about restraining orders in the state of…

How Does a Child’s Medical Needs Affect a Custody Decision?

For most children, medical needs include routine matters such as wellness checks, sports physicals, and the occasional sprain or broken bone. Some children, however, have ongoing medical needs or specialized medical needs that necessitate frequent doctor’s visits, therapy, and certain routine services performed at home by a parent or caregiver. When a special needs child…

If I Lose My Job, Can I Get My Child Support Order Decreased?

A parent who either pays or receives child support can ask the court to change the child support order in certain circumstances. If the child support order is less than one year old, the parent must prove that there has been a substantial change in circumstances in order to get a child support modification. If the child…

Do I Have to Carry Health Insurance for My Child After Our Divorce?

Anyone who has kids can tell you that they get sick, probably more often than you would like. Kids also have their share of broken bones and concussions, especially if they play sports. Some kids also may have chronic medical conditions that require routine treatment, such as diabetes or epilepsy. As a result, child support orders in…