What is COBRA and Why Should I Know About It?

During many marriages, it is not uncommon for one spouse to carry the family’s health insurance coverage through his or her employer. This is often the least expensive option for the family. However, if the spouses decide to divorce, you may no longer have access to continued health insurance coverage if your spouse traditionally has provided…

Can I Still Be on My Husband’s Health Insurance After Our Divorce?

Health insurance is an important consideration for most people, given the high cost of medical bills. Without health insurance, a catastrophic illness or injury can quickly drive a family into bankruptcy. In many situations, one spouse may have covered the other spouse and children on his or her employer-sponsored health insurance plan throughout their marriage.…

Divorce Checklist For Spouses With Children: Make Sure To Decide These Ten Things During Your Divorce

For parents with children, getting a divorce requires each spouse to make multiple decisions about their children’s futures. When working through a divorce settlement with your spouse, be sure that your plan for child support and visitation addresses each of these ten issues before signing any paperwork. #1: Where Will the Children Live? First and…

Dealing With Divorce When One Partner Has Significant Mental Or Physical Health Issues

Divorce is never easy even in the best of circumstances. When your spouse is dealing with a physical disability or a mental illness, the guilt associated with leaving him or her can be overwhelming. If you are considering filing divorce from someone who is ill, make sure you are prepared for the additional emotional costs…