How Divorce Is Different For People With High Net Worth

There are many advantages in life to having a high net worth. Unfortunately, quick and easy divorces are often not one of them. Divorce between couples who are worth a significant amount of money takes skillful planning and negotiation. If you are concerned that your net worth may be affected by your divorce, read on…

Dealing With The Mortgage After A Divorce

Marriages may not always last for decades, but some debts do. When a married couple who owns a house divorces, the mortgage debt often exists for longer than the marriage. During a divorce, couples need to be aware of the long-term consequences of their mortgage before deciding on what should happen to the house. Mortgages…

Can You Appeal Your Family Court Decision?

Not everyone is satisfied after a judge makes a ruling during a family law or divorce case. Often, parents and spouses wonder if they have the right to appeal an unfavorable decision to a higher court. While in some situations an appeal is warranted, it is usually difficult to overturn a ruling without solid evidence…