Parental Alienation Syndrome: What It Is and How to Identify It

  Approximately 50% of children in America will witness their parents’ marriage break up.  And divorce has the second biggest impact on long-term stress. The only thing more stressful is the death of a loved one.  That’s a lot of children experiencing high levels of stress.  Unfortunately, 11-15% of children also experience Parental Alienation Syndrome during their parents’…

How to Divide Property in a Divorce

    Divorce is complicated enough, and when property is involved, things can get even more complicated. 40-50% of couples in the United States get divorced, making the issue of how to divide property a common one. Since most married couples purchase property together, it can be hard to determine who owns what. Understanding marital…

What is the Difference Between a Domestic Violence Protection Order and a Restraining Order?

Many people use the terms “protective order” and “restraining order” interchangeably. However, there are distinct differences under Washington law between these court orders. Learning the difference between these orders is important should you or a loved one ever need to get the type of protection that one of these court orders can offer. A domestic…