What is Joint Custody and Is It Best for My Child?

Washington law does not use the terms “custody” and “visitation” when referring to arrangements for children following a divorce or separation. Rather, Washington law refers to the term “residential schedule” in order to describe the parents’ physical custody and visitation arrangement. The primary residential parent is equivalent to the custodial parent, or the parent with…

5 Things You Need to Know About Adoption

Thinking about adoption? Before you go any further make sure you’ve asked yourself the right questions, are in the right stage of your life? and most importantly are you prepared? Here are the 5 things you need to know before you bring a new child into your life. 1. Are You Eligible to Adopt? –…

The Ideal Divorce Attorney

Finding the ideal divorce attorney is different that finding, let’s say, the perfect criminal defense lawyer. Divorce is a complicated, personal event that encompasses various aspects of finances, family, and, often, heartbreak. To pursue a path towards divorce you need someone who is the right fit to lead that journey. What are the most important…