Do You Need an Attorney to Create a Prenuptial Agreement?

While many people think prenuptial agreements are only useful for the rich and famous, these pre-marriage contracts also help regular people maintain their property and possessions in case of a divorce. These agreements can also determine whether or not one partner will receive alimony, which partner will keep the marital residence, and which partner will…

Can You Waive Your Right To Spousal Support In Washington State?

During the beginning stages of a marriage, no one wants to think about divorce. However, the statistics are clear, and nearly half the couples who marry will eventually split up. With that in mind, couples are smart to plan for the financial consequences of a potential divorce, even if the marriage is currently healthy. Understanding…

How Divorce Is Different For People With High Net Worth

There are many advantages in life to having a high net worth. Unfortunately, quick and easy divorces are often not one of them. Divorce between couples who are worth a significant amount of money takes skillful planning and negotiation. If you are concerned that your net worth may be affected by your divorce, read on…