Dealing With The Mortgage After A Divorce

Marriages may not always last for decades, but some debts do. When a married couple who owns a house divorces, the mortgage debt often exists for longer than the marriage. During a divorce, couples need to be aware of the long-term consequences of their mortgage before deciding on what should happen to the house. Mortgages…

Can You Appeal Your Family Court Decision?

Not everyone is satisfied after a judge makes a ruling during a family law or divorce case. Often, parents and spouses wonder if they have the right to appeal an unfavorable decision to a higher court. While in some situations an appeal is warranted, it is usually difficult to overturn a ruling without solid evidence…

Protecting Your Child’s College Fund During A Divorce Case

The costs of attending college rise more and more each year. Many parents help their children prepare for these costs by saving throughout their children’s lives, so that they have support after high school graduation. When parents get divorced, they may be concerned that the costs of the divorce will affect their children’s futures. During…

Valuing Personal Property During A Divorce Case

During a divorce, couples may disagree about the best way to divide their shared property. In Washington State, all of the couple’s property, including their home, their vehicles, and their businesses, can be appraised and split up. If the couple cannot reach an agreement as to how their assets should be divided or if the…

How Criminal Convictions Affect Residential Time Determinations

Making mistakes is part of human nature. Unfortunately for some, these mistakes may result in a criminal conviction. When a parent with a criminal record desires residential time with their children, past offenses could come back and haunt them. Whether or not a criminal conviction affects a decision for residential time depends on several factors,…

How To Modify A Child Custody Order

Parenting plans are supposed to help parents co-parent their children and avoid conflict. So why is every encounter of conversation with your ex World War Three? Ever since you remarried, it has been difficult to just get your ex to sit down and talk about the kids. And the kids are getting older every day.…

Proving Paternity In Custody Cases

Having a child outside of marriage is no longer as taboo as in decades previous. Many people have children together who are committed to each other but have no desire to get married, or plan to marry after the birth of the child. In other cases, the couple may have broken up prior to the…