Tips For Speaking With Your Children About Your Divorce

When parents are contemplating divorce, their principle concern is how their separation will affect their children. While the prospect of divorce may be frightening for many kids, the separation of their parents is something that they will be able to come to terms with over time. Hundreds of thousands of people divorce every year, and…

How Divorce Is Different For People With High Net Worth

There are many advantages in life to having a high net worth. Unfortunately, quick and easy divorces are often not one of them. Divorce between couples who are worth a significant amount of money takes skillful planning and negotiation. If you are concerned that your net worth may be affected by your divorce, read on…

Dealing With Divorce When One Partner Has Significant Mental Or Physical Health Issues

Divorce is never easy even in the best of circumstances. When your spouse is dealing with a physical disability or a mental illness, the guilt associated with leaving him or her can be overwhelming. If you are considering filing divorce from someone who is ill, make sure you are prepared for the additional emotional costs…