How to Bring Up Divorce With Your Spouse Responsibly

Wanting a divorce from your spouse doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. If anything, divorce is becoming more common. Even though 90% of couples marry before age 50, 40-50% of couples end up divorced. Approaching the idea of divorce isn’t easy. To ensure the process runs smoothly, it’s best to mention the idea in a…

Divorce No-Nos: Texting and Posting

In American society, most people are dependent on electronic devices as a means of communication. For some people, posting status updates on Facebook, pictures on Instagram, and having conversations with multiple people at the same time through texting, is the way that they interact with others the most. And on social media platforms like Facebook,…

Questions To Ask When Choosing Your Family Law Attorney

Filing for divorce can be an intimidating process, especially without legal training. For that reason, most people choose to have an attorney represent their rights in court. Choosing the right attorney helps people feel comfortable and confident throughout the divorce process, and helps people feel like they are in control of their futures. Before hiring…