Do I Have to Give My Spouse Half of My Business if We Divorce?

Whether your spouse will receive any portion of your business in your divorce depends greatly on a number of different factors. Whether all or part of the business constitutes community or separate property, the length of your marriage, ownership of the business, and the longevity of the business are all factors that help determine how…

Divorce No-Nos: Texting and Posting

In American society, most people are dependent on electronic devices as a means of communication. For some people, posting status updates on Facebook, pictures on Instagram, and having conversations with multiple people at the same time through texting, is the way that they interact with others the most. And on social media platforms like Facebook,…

The Ideal Divorce Attorney

Finding the ideal divorce attorney is different that finding, let’s say, the perfect criminal defense lawyer. Divorce is a complicated, personal event that encompasses various aspects of finances, family, and, often, heartbreak. To pursue a path towards divorce you need someone who is the right fit to lead that journey. What are the most important…