Can You Waive Your Right To Spousal Support In Washington State?

During the beginning stages of a marriage, no one wants to think about divorce. However, the statistics are clear, and nearly half the couples who marry will eventually split up. With that in mind, couples are smart to plan for the financial consequences of a potential divorce, even if the marriage is currently healthy. Understanding…

High Asset Divorces: Can You Hire A Private Judge To Arbitrate Your Divorce Agreement?

Couples who are wealthy or own a significant amount of property often face issues in divorce which are much different than couples who have more modest means. Normal divorce issues like splitting up assets to deciding on parenting time and child support are much more complicated when the couple is dealing with hundreds of thousands…

Limited Licensed Legal Technicians: Does Washington’s New Program Help Or Harm Divorcing Spouses?

In 2012, the Washington Supreme Court made the state the first in the country to allow non-lawyers to practice law in limited areas, namely, family law. The changes to the rules led to the creation of a new designation of legal professionals known as Limited Licensed Legal Technicians (LLLTs). LLLT Program To become an LLLT,…

How Divorce Is Different For People With High Net Worth

There are many advantages in life to having a high net worth. Unfortunately, quick and easy divorces are often not one of them. Divorce between couples who are worth a significant amount of money takes skillful planning and negotiation. If you are concerned that your net worth may be affected by your divorce, read on…

Dealing With Divorce When One Partner Has Significant Mental Or Physical Health Issues

Divorce is never easy even in the best of circumstances. When your spouse is dealing with a physical disability or a mental illness, the guilt associated with leaving him or her can be overwhelming. If you are considering filing divorce from someone who is ill, make sure you are prepared for the additional emotional costs…

Protecting Your Child’s College Fund During A Divorce Case

The costs of attending college rise more and more each year. Many parents help their children prepare for these costs by saving throughout their children’s lives, so that they have support after high school graduation. When parents get divorced, they may be concerned that the costs of the divorce will affect their children’s futures. During…